Hi, my name is

Pratap Karmakar I build things for the web.

I am a web developer with 24 months of development experience in React. I have a strong foundation in front-end development and skilled in creating responsive as well as user-friendly web applications using React and it's ecosystem.I love coding and enjoy learning new languages and frameworks to enhance my skills.

01 About

Hello! I am a skilled Web Application Developer with a deep passion for Frontend Web Development. My expertise revolves around crafting highly responsive client-side web applications, utilizing technologies such as React.js, Next.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and Tailwind CSS.

Here are few technologies I have been working with recently :

  • javascriptJavaScript
  • nextjsNext.js
  • reactReact
  • typescriptTypeScript
  • typescriptRedux
  • tailwindTailwind
  • bootstrapBootstrap
  • firebaseFirebase

02 Some Sites I have Built

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Featured Project

Gleam & Grace

An E-Commerce web site built with React.js, Redux, tailwind, Firebase Auth, Firebase where user can choose jewellery by their category or search for a specific jewellery and add to cart, we can also increase or decrease the quantity of jewellery or remove from the cart and place the order after filling the required details. and the admin can add jewellery or delete jewellery and update the jewellery details as well as manage all the orders and users as well.

  • React.js
  • Redux
  • Firebaase-Auth
  • Tailwind
  • Firebase
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Featured Project


A RealTime Chat web site built with Next.js, tailwind, NextAuth, Firebase, It's a group chat web application where a lot of people can login at a same time and can have the experience of a RealTime Chat.

  • Next.js
  • Next-Auth
  • Tailwind
  • Firebase
  • vercel Deployement
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Featured Project


A Video Streaming web site built with Next.js, tailwind, NextAuth, Firebase where one can signin using google id with the help of Next Authentication, can Stream online videos provided by TMDB Api, videos are categories in to it's genres so it's very easy to select videos from them and play.

  • Next.js
  • Next-Auth
  • Tailwind
  • Firebase
  • Netlify Deployement
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Featured Project

CodeCraft Studio

A company web site built with Next.js, tailwind, TypeScript, Framer Motiion The CodeCraft Studio website represents a digital solutions company specializing in custom web applications, website design, e-commerce, mobile app development, and digital strategy consulting. It highlights their mission to deliver innovative, high-quality solutions tailored to business needs, emphasizing creativity, collaboration, and excellence. The site also features information about their services, core values, and projects.

  • Next.js
  • Tailwind
  • TypeScript
  • Framer Motiion
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Featured Project


A Social media web site built with Next.js, tailwind, NextAuth, Firebase where one can post any Thoughts, Images along with emojies, everyone can like any post and one can delete any post if he is the author of that post.

  • Next.js
  • Next-Auth
  • Tailwind
  • Firebase
  • vercel Deployement
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Featured Project


A women safety web site built with Next.js, tailwind, JavaScript, Framer Motiion The HerShield website is a women's safety platform that provides features like an SOS alert system, GPS location sharing, a siren for deterrence, and voice recording for evidence. It also offers intelligent route planning, helpline integration, and a community platform for sharing tips and incidents, ensuring privacy and accessibility through advanced technologies.

  • Next.js
  • Tailwind
  • JavaScript
  • Framer Motiion

04. What's Next?

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